Graphic Design and Illustration
The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 11 “Working with Layers and Fills”. In Lesson 22, they will learn to work with the Layers panel; create, rearrange, and lock layers and sublayers; move objects between layers; copy and paste objects and their layers from one file to another; merge layers into a single layer; locate objects in the Layers panel; isolate content in a layer; apply an appearance attribute to objects and layers; make a layer clipping mask; and use technology to improve professional communication. In Lesson 23, they will learn to create and save a gradient fill; apply and edit a gradient on a stroke; apply and edit a radial gradient; add colors to a gradient; adjust the direction of a gradient; adjust the opacity of color in a gradient; blend the shapes of objects in intermediate steps; create smooth color blends between objects; modify a blend and its path, shape, and color; and create and paint with patterns.
The students will be introduced to Adobe Illustrator CC.
TEKS – 1Ei, 3Gi
Activity – The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 11 “Working with Layers and Fills”. In Lesson 22, they will learn to work with the Layers panel; create, rearrange, and lock layers and sublayers; move objects between layers; copy and paste objects and their layers from one file to another; merge layers into a single layer; locate objects in the Layers panel; isolate content in a layer; apply an appearance attribute to objects and layers; make a layer clipping mask; and use technology to improve professional communication. In Lesson 23, they will learn to create and save a gradient fill; apply and edit a gradient on a stroke; apply and edit a radial gradient; add colors to a gradient; adjust the direction of a gradient; adjust the opacity of color in a gradient; blend the shapes of objects in intermediate steps; create smooth color blends between objects; modify a blend and its path, shape, and color; and create and paint with patterns.
Materials – Learning Graphic Design and Illustration by Andrew Faulkner, Conrad Chavez, and Brian Wood
Evaluation – Lesson 22 and Lesson 23