Graphic Design and Illustration
The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 12 “Expanding Your Toolkit with Brushes and Styles”. In Lesson 24, they will learn to use four brush types: calligraphic, art, bristle, and pattern; apply brushes to paths; paint and edit paths with the Paintbrush tool; create an Art brush from a raster image; change brush color and adjust brush settings; create new brushes from Adobe Illustrator artwork; and work with the Blob Brush tool and the Eraser tool. In Lesson 25, they will learn to work with the Appearance panel; edit and apply appearance attributes; copy, disable and enable, and remove appearance attributes; reorder appearance attributes; apply and edit an effect; apply a variety of effects; save and apply an appearance as a graphic style; apply a graphic style to a layer; scale strokes and effects; and draw an anatomical figure.
The students will be introduced to Adobe Illustrator CC.
TEKS – 1Ei, 3Gi
Activity – The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 12 “Expanding Your Toolkit with Brushes and Styles”. In Lesson 24, they will learn to use four brush types: calligraphic, art, bristle, and pattern; apply brushes to paths; paint and edit paths with the Paintbrush tool; create an Art brush from a raster image; change brush color and adjust brush settings; create new brushes from Adobe Illustrator artwork; and work with the Blob Brush tool and the Eraser tool. In Lesson 25, they will learn to work with the Appearance panel; edit and apply appearance attributes; copy, disable and enable, and remove appearance attributes; reorder appearance attributes; apply and edit an effect; apply a variety of effects; save and apply an appearance as a graphic style; apply a graphic style to a layer; scale strokes and effects; and draw an anatomical figure.
Materials – Learning Graphic Design and Illustration by Andrew Faulkner, Conrad Chavez, and Brian Wood
Evaluation – Lesson 24 and Lesson 25