Graphic Design and Illustration
The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 9 “Transforming, Positioning, and Drawing”. In Lesson 18, they will learn to add, edit, rename, and reorder artboards in an existing document; navigate artboards; work with rulers and guides; move, scale, and rotate objects using a variety of methods; reflect, shear, and distort objects; position objects with precision; position and align content with Smart Guides; use the Free Transform tool to distort an object; create a PDF; and put graphic design skills to work in public relations. In Lesson 19, they will learn to understand paths and anchor points, draw curved and straight lines with the Pen tool, edit curved and straight lines, add and delete anchor points, convert between smooth points and corner points, create dashed lines and add arrowheads, draw and edit with the Pencil tool, work with the Join tool, and explore entrepreneurial opportunities in graphic design.
The students will be introduced to Adobe Illustrator CC.
TEKS – 1Ei, 3Gi
Activity – The students will be working in Adobe Illustrator CC. The students will begin Ch. 9 “Transforming, Positioning, and Drawing”. In Lesson 18, they will learn to add, edit, rename, and reorder artboards in an existing document; navigate artboards; work with rulers and guides; move, scale, and rotate objects using a variety of methods; reflect, shear, and distort objects; position objects with precision; position and align content with Smart Guides; use the Free Transform tool to distort an object; create a PDF; and put graphic design skills to work in public relations. In Lesson 19, they will learn to understand paths and anchor points, draw curved and straight lines with the Pen tool, edit curved and straight lines, add and delete anchor points, convert between smooth points and corner points, create dashed lines and add arrowheads, draw and edit with the Pencil tool, work with the Join tool, and explore entrepreneurial opportunities in graphic design.
Materials – Learning Graphic Design and Illustration by Andrew Faulkner, Conrad Chavez, and Brian Wood
Evaluation – Lesson 18 and Lesson 19